Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Grateful To My Affable Guide


सच्चिदानंद रूपाय विश्वोत्पत्यादिहेतवे| तापत्रय विनाशाय श्री कृष्णाय वयं नम: ||

Salutations to Lord Krishna in the form of Satchidananda, who is the cause of the creation, sustenance and destruction of this world and the destroyer of all the three types of inflictions - Adhibhautik, Adhidaivik and Adhyatmik.

Almost 5 years back, I attended a retreat on Chatushloki Bhaagwatam, where Maaji had expounded on the above Shlok. The Call talk on ‘The Affable Guide to Self-Discovery’, reminded me of this Shlok! I am so thankful to our Revered Sree Guru Parampara for blessing me and being my Affable Guide in all walks of my life.

How do we live according to the instructions of Shastras? How do we get an affable guide who can reinforce all the teachings and inspire us to live a worthy life?

In Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Bhagwaan has given numerous instructions to Arjun to tune up the mind-intellect equipment. Lord assures him, that He shall liberate Arjun from all his sins, if His instructions are followed meticulously. We are blessed to read Gurudev’s commentary and listen to Pujya Maaji’s explanation on Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta. I believe that Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta is the Affable Guide to Self-Discovery, my Life Coach, my inspiration, but this inspiration is of no use unless I practically live these values.

Maaji explained about auspiciousness of Adi Guru – Lord Sadashiv, His compassionate nature in the Samudra Manthan episode of Sreemad Bhaagwatam where Lord Shiv keeps ’halahal’ (poison) in his neck to protect the whole universe. Our Guru Parampara has the capacity to absorb the poisonous ego of all devotees and shower nothing but love and affection.

Just as Lord Sree Krishna, gave several chances to Shishupal, our Gurus also are ever compassionate towards us for the numerous unpardonable mistakes that we keep committing as errors of omission and commission.

Bhagwaan Sree Ved Vyas ji as an Affable Guru, not only gave his blessings to the Kuru Vansh, but also nurtured, cared for and advised the whole dynasty. He authored the great Epic Mahabharat along with 18 Puranas and Brahma Sutras for generations to practice that Oneness, the very essence of Self Discovery.

Sree Govind Bhagawadpadacharya ji instructed Adi Shankaracharyaji - His disciple, to spread Advaita philosophy and the shishya accepted the command of his Guru doubtlessly. Gurudev was accepted by Sree Tapovan ji Maharaj and was blessed with the knowledge of Self-discovery, which he then spread across the globe. Pujya Maaji was accepted by Gurudev to carry on the legacy. Our Gurus represent the ‘Divya Jyoti’, the Light of lights, to illuminate the spiritual elements for those who are trapped in the world and want to cross this utter darkness of ignorance.

So unless we surrender our ego, develop the spiritual heart and recognize That Ishwara within us, it is not possible to receive the grace of the Divine. Gurus with Their kind compassion take us across this endless ocean of worldly existence.

One must remind himself to be watchful of the play of the gunas, and be prayerful always to get His Grace.

My humble prostrations at the Lotus Feet of the revered Sree Guru Parampara to shower their Grace and Blessings on me to be an able devotee.

I humbly pray at the Holy Feet of Pujya Maaji to be MY AFFABLE GUIDE to help me transcend my lower self.

My pranaam to Chaitanya ji for all his tireless efforts.

Aum Tat Sat!